Past and Present Servicewomen of Bundaberg,

Centenary of Armistice – Mural at War Nurses Memorial Park, Bundaberg

To commemorate the Centenary of the Armistice that ended the Great War in 1918, it is planned to install a mural depicting our war nurses over the past 100 plus years. The mural will be installed on the dark grey water tank at the southern end of War Nurses Memorial Park, Bundaberg.

It is planned to officially unveil the mural on the morning of 11 November 2018, well before the Bundaberg service.

August 2018 Update:  Our grant application has been approved and Ross Driver, our mural artist has been busy researching, sketching and painting.  We have been very fortunate to have within our region former Service nurses that we can honour in our mural.

There will be 6 panels featuring Service nurses from various ‘eras/conflicts’ and a panel commemorating the Centenary of The Armistice and celebrating a peace that came at such a high cost to Australian families. WW I, WW II, Vietnam/Korea, Iraq/Afghanistan, Peacekeeping, Armistice and Peace.

“In progress” is the sketch of Ros Richards, RAAFNS – Vietnam (see below).   This painting is nearly completed to mark the 1/2 point in the mural.

Next to be completed is the “Peacekeeping Panel” and will feature another local – Alex Logan, RAANC – Rwanda

Captain Pearl Mittlehuaser, AANS (WW II)

Head Sister Constance Keys RRC  (WW I)