About Us
Our Vision
Bundaberg District Women Veterans is an association of volunteer women veterans sharing the bond of military service, enhancing the reputation of those who served, valued by it’s members and recognised by the community
Our Mission
To provide friendship, social inclusion, communication, camaraderie and representation for women veterans, while honouring their service
The following are the Objects of Bundaberg District Women Veterans Inc:
- To foster and strengthen ties between the members of the Association.
- To promote friendship amongst current and former servicewomen generally.
- To commemorate and preserve the history of women’s service in the Australian Defence Force.
- To foster and strengthen ties between the Association and other ex-service organisations.
- To foster camaraderie and social inclusion among members of the Association.
- To promote good mental and physical health and general wellbeing of members of the Association.
- To assist in providing welfare support to Association members in need.
- To advocate on behalf of former and current servicewomen.
The association was formed at a meeting of local WW II ex-servicewomen held at the Bundaberg RSL Club Rooms, on Friday 7th July 1967. Thirty ex-servicewomen were in attendance.
Membership over the years remained between 30 and 40 ex-servicewomen, until just the last few years when younger generations of women have joined, bringing membership number to 59 Service Members and 20 Associate Members in Bundaberg District Women Veterans Inc.
The meeting had been called by Mrs Merna Freid, ex-AAMWS and Mrs Jennie Wheeler, ex-WAAAF who had worked toward creating a group which would mirror the service-family friendship that existed during the war.
The association can proudly say it has had in its ranks, members from Anzac Cove (WW I) to Afghanistan (current day) and wars/conflicts/eras in between.
The membership has included Commonwealth and Allied forces servicewomen and the Land Army girls. The association also welcomes associate members who support our Objects.
The association donates annually to organisations that support our commemoration at the War Nurses Memorial and other donations are considered in accordance with our Objects.
We are a Kindred Body of the Bundaberg RSL Sub Branch,an Associate member of the CESWA (Qld) an active member of the Bundaberg Veteran Group of local ESOs who are working togther to deliver support and services to the veteran community.
We hold monthly cuppa chats, 10 pin bowling mornings plusbus outings, luncheons and regular general meetings when members can gather to enjoy each other’s company.
The association has a proud history with a number of milestones, including ensuring the contribution of servicewomen is appropriately recognised in the Bundaberg area with the installation of a Servicewomen’s Plaque in the lawn adjacent to the Bundaberg Cenotaph in 1983, the dedication of a Memorial to the Women of the Australian Defence Force at Lions Remembrance Park in 2003 and the rediscovery /refurbishment of War Nurses Memorial in the early 1990s, followed by our major enhancement project in 2014 to commemorate the Anzac Centenary.
In 2017 our Salute to Servicewomen was held to ensure the contribution and role of servicewomen in the defence of our country are recognised during the Centenary of ANZAC. This event will also celebrate the Bundaberg & District Ex Servicewomen’s Association’s 50th Anniversary in July 2017.
In 2018 the Association changed its name to Bundaberg District Women Veterans Inc.
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was commemorated in July and November 2022 with two community commemorative tree plantings at War Nurses Memorial Park and Lions Remembrance Park.